Autopilot Leads

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Misery Loves Company

Economic Crisis - Rising Unemployment - Negative Equity-Emigration etc.....
Can we find something positive to focus on for 2013?
We have to stop being negative all the time, its bad for health reasons, both body and mind are affected by this constant barrage of negativity. Good news is no news according to TV and newspapers. They place all their efforts into finding every negative story-line in our society. All our "Soaps" are filled with misery and societies worst attributes. Is it time for change? Can we concentrate on the best attributes of our society or at least give them equal billing as the worst?
People spend all their time moaning and griping about what they haven't got. Why others seem better off. We live in a society of greed and envy. No longer satisfied to keep up with the "Jones" we want to be wealthier, own a bigger house a faster car and longer holidays. People are only measured by what they own. Richer people are envied while poorer people are frowned upon. Is this really the society we want for our children?
So how can we make society more equal,fairer and happier. Firstly we have to change our attitudes. Find out how each and everyone of us can contribute in a positive manner. Things will never change unless people are willing to change. 
How much is enough? How much does a person need to live a content life? Are we only content when we have more than others? Are we happy in a world where everyone is only out for themselves? It's easy to sit back and criticize everything and focus on the negativity of society. It's much harder to try and do something about it. 
Let's start 2013 with a positive attitude and be thankful for what we've got. Let's strive to make the world a better place for everyone. A positive mental attitude most be adopted even in the face of adversity. The world cannot remain in an us against them scenario. We have all to play a part to turn Negativity into Positivity.

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